Observer Pro 1.3 for iPhone released


I love this app, and have been using it for some time. Joshua Bury is the developer, and over the last few months he’s been busy updating the software to run on larger phones and adopt some of the new OS features like light and dark mode. I use this app to find objects that have the best visibility within my horizon, and incidentally, it features a really cool mode that will help you build a custom horizon for use in the application, and for export to Sky Safari and other applications that use Alt/Az coordinates to create a custom horizon.

Here’s the full breakdown on new features:

Finder View: The object Finder View now has an extended zoom range with support for visualizing the object image overlaid with custom camera and eyepiece field-of-view indicators.

Sort: New sort options in object lists to make it easier to find the perfect object to observe. Imagers will find that sorting by hours of unobstructed visibility particularly useful! Object lists also now support context previews and menus under iOS 13 (tap and hold an object in the list).

Horizon Measurement: Local horizon measurement accuracy has been greatly improved. You can now also export and import horizon profiles in more convenient ways, including to/from the Files app as well as exporting a PNG for use in SkySafari.

Light Theme: For iOS 13 users who are not fans of dark mode, Observer Pro now has a light UI option. Check the Appearance options in the Observer Pro settings screen.

Plus numerous bug fixes and small enhancements. In particular, the default astronomical weather forecast now loads correctly.

If you like the app, feel free to leave Joshua a review in the App Store.

Grab a copy here.

Imaging Star Clusters with the AT6RC and the ZWO ASI071MC-Pro

M13 globular cluster imaged with the AT6RC, 6” Ritchey Chretien telescope.

M13 globular cluster imaged with the AT6RC, 6” Ritchey Chretien telescope.

I spent a few nights this week trying out my color camera, the ZWO ASI071MC-Pro on the AT6RC. I really love the pixel scale achieved here with the combination. It provides very nice resolution and a moderate field of view. I managed to divide my time between the two clusters. Four hours or so on M53 and about two hours on M13. I honestly wish I had a few more hours on M13, as there are a lot more stars to bring out that are quite dim around the edge of the cluster.

Both images were stacked, integrated, calibrated, light pollution removed, and color corrected with Astro Pixel Processor. I then took them into PixInsight for denoise, stretching, and color saturation.

M53 globular cluster.

M53 globular cluster.